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Monday, October 11, 2010

Recent Events

My art group and I have hit the art show trail with a vengeance! Not only did we exhibit at the Madison, AL Street Fair on Oct 2, but we also participated in the Downtown Family Fest around the Huntsville, AL square. The weather was absolutely perfect for both events. It was great getting out and seeing people, children, and lots of dogs the two weekends. I really like meeting people and hearing the positive comments about our work. It's very inspirational and makes me want to do more! I'm on the trail of more events coming up soon. Yes, the bug has bitten and I'm smitten!

Something new that I'm exhibiting is a set of photographs that I took at the Chattanooga Aquarium. To get enough light, I had to slow the speed way down. A lot of the photos were still solid black until I lightened them in the free photo editing software Picasa. It was like going on a treasure hunt to see what would emerge. Check 'em out. If you see one you like, I'm selling them in 8x10 for $10. Just drop me an email.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Madison Street Festival October 2, 2010

The next art adventure for me and my two wonderful artist friends is the Madison Street Festival on October 2, 2010. Here's a link to the details: I hope to have a couple of new things, but I'm working overtime right now which makes it difficult to be creative. DISLIKE

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My birthday!

Today was my birthday and I was overwhelmed by all the sweet well-wishes I received, better than 'stuff' any day! I'm still floating from the excitement of last week. I never knew how energizing it could be to put myself 'out there.' My art group met last night and the buzz was all about what's next for us. We are working toward the Madison Street Fair mid-Sept. Oh my, that is just around the corner! We better get crackin'.Thank you isn't strong enough for the gratitude I feel to everyone who encourages and supports me. Blessings to all! Namaste. Peace.

Friday, August 20, 2010

We did it!

What a wonderful evening we had participating in the Huntsville Art Stroll last night! The other two ladies in my art group and I all sold some pieces and many people were complimentary of our work. In spite of the 80% prediction for rain, it was gorgeous! The sun was hot when we were setting up, but we were ecstatic that it didn't rain. The smell of food, music, and the sounds of people chatting and laughing created a cheery carnival atmosphere.The turnout was great! Lots of people that I knew came by, and many didn't even realize that I paint. They called me an artist, wow!  My favorite part was seeing people smile when they looked at the pictures. That's what it's all about!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Humble Beginnings

Sometimes we have to just dive in, so here goes. I am busily getting ready for the Huntsville Art Stroll this Thursday, August 19, 2010, from 4:30 to 8:30 pm around the downtown square of Huntsville, AL. This is the first time I've officially shown or sold my work, so I'm pretty excited and nervous. I've joked for the past several months that I'm an emerging artist wannabe! I'm starting this blog to connect with the public that might be interested in my work. No matter what the outcome, I have a much greater appreciation for my mentors, family, and friends who regularly do this sort of thing! I hope to see you there, or if you are reading this after the show, I hope I met you there! Glad you popped in. Namaste!